Let's have a chinwag about wisdom...
Here's a thought that's been rolling around inside my head lately.
Whatever you do, do it with both hands and on a flat surface.
I first started using this mantra whenever I'd open a box from Amazon, break down a box from Amazon, or do anything in the bathroom or kitchen. When you perform tasks involving sharp objects without both hands or on a flat surface, accidents can happen.
Then I started to think of it as a metaphor about doing anything in life, for example. driving. No Tom, don't reach into the glove compartment right now. Wait until you get to the red light. Stuff like that.
And of course I try to apply the wisdom of this mantra to both navigating the voiceover industry and teaching others to do so.
More people are entering the voiceover industry than ever which is great but most just slam into it sideways without a plan or a clue. They're doing this blindfolded, one-armed juggling act on a tightrope when they don't have to. Usually it's because they don't know what they don't know.
Wisdom, patience, experience. These are things that don't come naturally or quickly.
When you're about to do anything that could be potentially risky, whether it's physical, logistical, emotional, or financial, ground yourself. Center yourself. Collect accurate data. Use the wisdom you have acquired so far though your experiences as well as the wisdom you have gleaned from coaches, family, colleagues, and friends. Use it to make the best decisions you can for both your short-term and long-term well-being. And don't cut toward yourself. Always cut away.
My promo demo is ready! A huge thanks to David Goldberg of Edge Studio for making it happen. You can listen to it at www.TomDheere.com. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 26th @8PM ET: Brand Yourself. In this one-hour Edge Studio webinar, students will be given insights on how to brand yourself as a voice over talent in order to get the right kind of attention and grow your business.
Thursday, September 16th @8PM ET: The Edge Studio Business and Money 201 webinar "Cost/Benefit Analysis". This class will give students an understanding of how to analyze their voice over business, figure out where their voiceover work came from, and how to read metrics.
Saturday, September 25th @8PM ET: The Voice Actor Studio webinar "Set Goals and Build a Business Plan". Now is the perfect time to create your voiceover business plan and set your goals for the next week, month, quarter, and year. In this online workshop, I will walk you through how to determine what success can look like for you and how to make it happen.
Thursday, September 30th @8PM ET: The Edge Studio Marketing 201 webinar "The Sales Funnel". In this class, students will explore the concept of the “Sales Funnel,” and how it can yield more paying clients in the long run if used properly.
Happy Cuban Sandwich Day and Take Your Cat to the Vet Day!

Tom Dheere is the VO Strategist, a voice over business & marketing coach and demo producer since 2011. He is also a voice actor with over 20 years of experience who has narrated just about every type of voiceover you can think of. When not voicing or talking about voicing, he produces the sci-fi comic book Agent 1.22.