Demo marketing is a challenge.
Most new voice actors who get their training and then produce a shiny new demo have absolutely no idea what to do with it. When I started doing voiceovers I was sort of lucky in that my coach gave me a stack of production company listings and I started cold-calling immediately.
The bad news was that at the time (1995) there was virtually no other venue for demo marketing. There were no online casting sites, no social media platforms, no Meetup groups, no dedicated voiceover conferences, no auditioning or recording projects from home. My point is that voiceover demo marketing back then was much, much more difficult than it is today.
The good news for you is that now there are many, many ways to engage in demo marketing. The questions that logically follow are: exactly how do you engage in demo marketing? Should you submit your demo to an agent? Which one? Should you put it on an online casting site? Which one? Should you submit your demo directly to voice seekers? Which ones? What should you say?
These are all great questions that I know most of you have. Fear not!
There is no easy answer to these questions that can be posted in a single blog entry. If you do want to learn more about demo marketing, on Wednesday, December 9th @8PM EST I will host the webinar ‘VO How-To: Market Your Demo‘. It’s $60 to attend, but if you have produced your demo with me or graduated from the Mentorship Program you get 50% off. Sign up here. If you can’t make it, the workshop will be recorded and all attendees will get a copy.
Thursday, December 10th @8PM EDT: My final Edge Studio Marketing 201 webinar of 2020 will be ‘Thriving in a Smaller Market City’. In this one-hour webinar, we’ll talk about how to build a successful voiceover business without living in a metropolitan area. This webinar caps at 25 attendees and sells out fast. Registration is open now!
Wednesday, December 16th @8:30PM EDT: ‘Success in Online Casting’. In this Edge Studio webinar, I’ll help you understand the online casting site process, how to best utilize these sites, and how to stand out from the competition. Sign up here!
Thursday, December 17th @8PM EDT: My final Edge Studio Business and Money 201 webinar of 2020 will be ‘Career Goals for the New Year’. In this one-hour webinar, we’ll talk about how to design your voiceover business model, craft a plan, and stick to it. This webinar caps at 25 attendees and sells out fast. Registration is open now!
Happy Cotton Candy Day and Lost & Found Day!

Tom Dheere is a voice actor who has narrated thousands of projects for hundreds of clients in over a dozen countries. In addition to voice acting, he is a voiceover business and marketing consultant known as the VOStrategist. When not voicing or talking about voicing, Tom produces the comic book “Agent 1.22”. You can subscribe to his weekly blog and the monthly VO Strategist Learnin’ Stuff Notice here.