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Theater Training vs Voiceover Training

Another guest appearance

Last week I was interviewed by a dear college friend who has her own podcast which focuses on "the power of arts in education". I had a wonderful time! When the episode goes live I'll post it here.

"Don’t focus on numbers; focus on culture. The numbers will come." - Tom

Waxing Nostalgic

Spending time with my old friend and reminiscing about my college days got me thinking about my theater training vs. my voiceover training. Did they complement each other? Contradict each other?

The first thing I'll say is that I got a massive amount of theater training but it was about 30 years ago. The other thing I'll say is that I got far less voiceover training but it was much more recent. Does that matter? Honestly I'm not sure.

What I do know is that I use bits & pieces of both my theater training and voiceover training almost every day. Most of the time I don't even realize it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not using my Stanislavski training to break down my voiceover scripts, but I'll put it to you this way.

In theater, often you have weeks or even months to build your character. In voiceover, sometimes you have as little as a few seconds. Most of the time you are playing you anyway, but getting in touch with an authentic you can be a challenge, hence your theater training can help you catalyze the process.

Tip Of the Week

  • You can't rely solely on theater training to be an effective voice actor

  • You can't rely solely on voiceover training to be an effective voice actor, either

  • Acting training will make you a better voice actor

  • Improv training will make you an even better voice actor

Quote of the Week

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Tom Dheere

Tom Dheere is the VO Strategist, a voice over business & marketing coach and demo producer since 2011. He is also a voice actor with over 25 years of experience who has narrated just about every type of voiceover you can think of. When not voicing or talking about voicing, he produces the sci-fi comic book Agent 1.22.


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