My First OVC!
Whoo hoo! I'm VERY excited to be presenting at the One Voice Conference in Dallas for the first time. And it's just a few weeks away!
There is a highly impressive array of presenters this year including keynote speaker Nolan North, J. Michael Collins, Bev Standing, Carin Gilfry, Mary Lynn Wissner, Scott Brick, and many more!
Blurbs to follow...
Here's what the OVC2022 folks have to say about the event...
The One Voice Conference has been the home of voiceover talent and voice actors since 2018.
Our goal is to give voiceovers of all skill levels a place to learn, network and have a great time with the amazing people who make our industry so great to be a part of!
This year, we're giving even more voiceovers the chance to be part of our amazing One Voice community by hosting both a UK and US version of our conference, as well as hosting both of them online and in-person, so you can join us face-to-face, or take part from anywhere in the world.
And here are my blurbs...!
"Master Your Marketing Mindset" (5th August, 2022 10:50 am)
This talk will demystify and deprogram you!
The reason why most voice actors can’t market themselves is because of their mindset. They don’t know how to get out of their own way! How can you effectively market yourself in the current economic, social, and technological environment?
VO Strategist Tom Dheere will lay out the reality of most voice actors’ marketing mindsets and teach you how to get yourself unstuck from the past.
"21st Century Voiceover Marketing Intensive" (6th August, 2022 4:00 pm) FYI this workshop costs $129 and is in-person only.
The voiceover industry has changed dramatically! That means your marketing strategies & tactics must adapt to the new realities of the voiceover industry as well.
In this 3-hour hard-core marketing intensive, VO Strategist Tom Dheere will drill down on what it means to be a modern voiceover marketer. Topics will include defining marketing success, building marketing campaigns, developing marketing strategies, tips for creating quality social media content, and tactics for marketing your voiceover demos.
Tip Of the Week
Obviously, I recommend attending the One Voice Conference! It will be August 4-7 in Dallas. You can attend any day you want either in-person or online. You can also sign up for the One Voice Awards show August 6th at 7PM. Click on this link to get your ticket!

Join me at an upcoming event
Here's what I've got going on in the next few months - register to attend and add your voice to the mix!
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VO Strategist Book Club
This week's recommendation: the book that started my journey to becoming an effective voiceover business, Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People! It taught me how to think outside the box and my comfort zone. It also taught me how to craft and execute effective goals. If you want to get out of your head in a good way, read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People!
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Tom Dheere is the VO Strategist, a voice over business & marketing coach and demo producer since 2011. He is also a voice actor with over 25 years of experience who has narrated just about every type of voiceover you can think of. When not voicing or talking about voicing, he produces the sci-fi comic book Agent 1.22.