Last week, my wife and I went to see the Shakespeare in the Park production of 'Merry Wives'.

We've never been to Shakespeare in the Park and it was a mind-blowing experience!
This interpretation of 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' takes place in South Harlem and the characters are West African immigrants. It was a top-notch cast of Grammy and Tony award-winning actors who were uber-talented and freaking hilarious, evert single one! Jacob Ming-Trent as Falstaff was brilliant as he straddled Shakespearean text and contemporary references effortlessly. Major kudos to Jocelyn Bioh's script adaptation and Saheem Ali's inspired direction. Oh, and the set was AMAZING!

I won't give away how the scene changes work but if you go see it you'll know what I'm talking about.
If you live in the New York Metropolitan area I heartily recommend entering the digital lottery to see Merry Wives. If you don't, go see a show in your area. Any show! Ballet, opera, theater, a rock concert, someone making balloon animals in a park, whatever. Watch other artists so they can inspire you. Support both your fellow artists and the local economy. It will do your heart good and you'll be helping others!
Welcome to a new part of my blog! Here I will occasionally suggest stuff that may help your voiceover business. Some of these suggestions may include an Amazon Affiliate link. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. That means if you click on the link and purchase the item in question, I get a few cents at no extra cost to you.
Today's recommendation: microphones! I've been using the Sennheiser 416 for over five years now and it's amazing. It's perfect for a variety of genres. When I got it I did a mic shootout and wrote a blog about it. You can read it here.
Wednesday, July 14th @12PM ET: the VoiceOver Network Interview "Tom Dheere Explains Explainers". During this chat we’ll talk about the growing world of explainers. This will be interactive so bring your questions and join us LIVE! Sign up here!
Thursday, July 15th @8PM ET: the Edge Studio Business and Money 201 webinar, "Rates, Billing, and Negotiating". In this 60-minute webinar, we will discuss how to build a Rate Sheet, invoice clients, and get the rates your deserve. Sign up here!
Wednesday, July 21st @8PM ET: The VO How-To Webinar "Direct Marketing". What is Direct Marketing? How can you use Direct Marketing to complement your Agents and use of Pay-to-Play sites? These and many more questions will be answered. Sign up here!
Thursday, July 22nd @8PM ET: the Edge Studio Marketing 201 webinar, "4 Words that Kill your Marketing". In this 60-minute webinar, we will discuss how to think like an effective voiceover marketer and avoid self-destructive marketing strategies. Sign up here!
Happy French Fries Day and Pandemonium Day!
