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Marketing, Schmarketing, As Long As I’m Rich! – GKN Weekly Update 11/5/13

Hello and Happy belated Halloween, Muharram, and Election Day:  special days for feasting, fasting, and frustration!


  1. Thank you to our Voice Over Cafe podcast special guest; Ingrid French of IFM! The episode will premiere this week.

  2. I will be in Voice Over Virtual’s “Tom’s Tiki Lounge” on Tuesday, November 5th from 8-9 PM EST. Normally it’s at 7PM, but I will be speaking at the Kalamazoo Voiceover Meetup Group at that time. Is that a fun place to say out loud or what?

  3. My next Edge Studio “Business and Money 201” webinar will be this Thursday, November 7 at 8:00 PM. The topic: Keeping Clients Coming Back. I’m gonna talk about how to be so awesome during your recording session that they’ll always come back for more! Click here to sign up. I hope you’ll join us!

As many of you know, I’m a marketing junkie.

I love to learn everything I can about this intangible, mysterious moving target that eludes even the biggest of corporations, where even one misstep can lead to ruin but leaves most of us in obscurity. Some of you have been kind enough to call me a marketing guru. While flattering, this is hardly the case. I fail in my marketing efforts far more than I succeed, but I think that’s how it’s supposed to be. Marketing is an investment over a long period of time where you’re catering to a quickly shifting market due to a variety of economic & cultural factors.

I also think it’s easy to play a couple of rounds of Candy Crush on Facebook and comment on a few posts to make you feel like you have a strong marketing campaign. Um, not so much. Most don’t know where to start. Even more don’t know where to end. What I mean to say is that most folks don’t know what marketing success looks like. You may be thinking ‘Getting gobs of work and being all popular-like, right?’ Sure, but isn’t that a bit vague? Like I always say, vague goals will get you vague results. Specific goals will get you specific results.

TIP OF THE WEEK: So what do you do? Begin with the end in mind! (that’s a Covey-ism). Set specific goals for the three areas of your marketing campaign:

  1. What are my branding goals?

  2. What are my social media goals?

  3. What are my networking goals?

Branding always comes first, by the way. Once you do that, work backwards from those goals and THAT, my friend, is your marketing plan!

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake of all. Peter McWilliams, Life 101

STUFF!: Don’t forget to vote!

From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere: GKN News…


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