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I Love Explainer Video Narration

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I Love Explainer Videos!

I did my first explainer video back in 2006/2007 when I wasn't even aware of what it was exactly. I had done several of them before, categorizing them as either commercials or corporate narration, but I wasn't certain. It wasn't until 2012 that I noticed the term "explainer" popping up in casting notices.

Curious, I asked my webmaster to research explainers and find out which male voice actors marketed themselves as explainer video narrators. At the time, only one male voice actor was doing so. Looking back, I had narrated 35 explainer videos before 2012 without realizing they were explainers. To remedy this, I had a page on my website built dedicated to explainer videos, collected contacts from explainer video production companies, and executed a social media and marketing blitz around explainer videos. As a result, I went from narrating six explainer videos in 2011 to over 90 just a couple of years later.

Explainers In 2023

While the market for explainer video narrators has become oversaturated, I still enjoy doing them. Explainer videos are relatively short, relatively quick, and the pay is good for the amount of work required.

For more information on what explainer videos are, how to market yourself, narration techniques, and rate structure, check out my "Explainers Explained" video available at the VO Strategist Shop.

Keep Going - Watch this Next:

Explainers Explained

Want to be an Explainer voice? Videos are everywhere, and Tom breaks things down, giving you an idea of what you’ll need to be successful within this booming genre. Learn explainer narration technique + how to find work and what to charge…

Here's what I've got going on in the next few months - register to attend and add your voice to the mix!

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Tom Dheere

He's the VO Strategist, a voice over business & marketing coach and demo producer since 2011. Tom Dheere is also a voice actor with over 25 years of experience who has narrated just about every type of voiceover you can think of. When not voicing or talking about voicing, Tom produces the sci-fi comic book Agent 1.22.


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