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GKN Weekly Update 8/29/11

Hey there!

So, did anything interesting happen this weekend? You know, like, stuff…?

I didn’t have hot water yesterday but other than that I’m fine. I can’t say the same for the town I live in, which is Parsippany, NJ. It is a HUGE mess. Route 46 is closed and the Holiday Inn, among other places of business, is flooded. Part of Route 287 collapsed. I was supposed to have a dentist appointment this morning but my dentist couldn’t make it to work and she lives only one town away. One town! Lake Hiawatha, the next town over, is in pretty bad shape as they had to evacuate a few hundred people. Denville, another nearby town, is suffering from massive flooding. Yikes!

I hope that everyone affected by this situation comes out okay. Onto less soggy business!

So, the Battlestar Galactica audio book is done and in the hands of Audible for review. I’m sure there will be some retakes to do, no big deal. I finished recording Game-Based Marketing and I’m making my way though the editing. That should be done by the end of the week.

Game-Based Marketing was MUCH easier to narrate than BSG. Why? Quite simply, BSG had big words and even bigger formulas. It also had a bunch of tables that I couldn’t narrate so I had to adjust the manuscript when there were references to said tables. Don’t get me wrong, BSG was brilliantly written and extremely humorous at times, it was just a tougher nut to crack.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Every book has it’s own tone/rhythm/cadence, and you need to figure out what it is so you can narrate accordingly. How? Well, the person of the book make s a big difference. A first-person narrative has a different “flow” than a third-person narrative. Obviously the genre makes a difference, too. There are a bunch of things, actually! Just do your homework and have an open mind and the tone will come to you.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. Will Rogers

STUFF!: I saw a wonderful film last night called, “It’s Kind of a Funny Story” starring Zach Galifianakis. This is a brilliant little indy film about a boy who checks himself into a mental ward for five days. Watch it, watch it, watch it!

BONUS STUFF!: I noticed I’ve been talking mostly about movies in this section but I want to add music, too. Check out the amazing band John Butler Trio (I discovered them on And if you like that video, you’ll LOVE this one!

Be safe, my dear friends and loved ones…


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