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GKN Weekly Update 11/17/08

Hey Guys!

Due to the economy, business has been extremely slow so I’ll keep this one short. The big news is that the radio interview I had with Independent Film United about Project TERRA went very well! You can listen to it here: It’s about 59 minutes in. I hope you enjoy it!

TIP OF THE WEEK: Always find new ways to do old things, especially things you don’t like to do. As you know, I hate cold calls but I was inspired by an article written by the immortal VO talent Phillip Banks about how to prospect new clients. I used his technique and landed a new contact on the second try! You can read the article here.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won’t taste good. Joe Paterno

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: When was the last time you tried to do something you dislike in a different way? Did you get better results?

Have a great week!


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