You heard me correctly: FaffCon 9 is coming!!!
Here’s everything you need to know. I know it’s correct because I’m lifting it straight from the FaffCon homepage. 🙂
Only 2 more left! FaffCon: the voiceover unconference, is a participant-driven professional development event for working voiceover industry pros. Its highly-interactive, peer-to-peer learning environment is consistently credited with helping establish VO-industry pros take their careers to the next level. Prospective participants must meet certain criteria and apply to attend. FaffCon sells out very fast, every time. To be sure to get the registration alert, please join our low-volume email list! We’ve committed to producing a total of 10 FaffCon unconferences. Scroll down to learn more about how the final 2 will differ from our previous events.
September 22-24, 2017
Working voiceover industry professionals: voice talents, agents, managers, audio engineers, copywriters, producers, directors, and more!
Charlotte, NC
how much?
We strive to keep FaffCon as affordable as possible. We don’t know exactly how much FaffCon 9 registration will cost yet, but you can count on it being under $500. (FaffCon 8 registration was $409 per person.)
how does the registration process work?
Registration for FaffCons 9 and 10 will run a little differently from our previous events. FaffCon 9 registration, for example, will focus on making as many spots as possible available to first and second-time attendees. Then, for FaffCon 10, only people who’ve attended a previous FaffCon will be eligible to apply.
FaffCon 9 Registration Day 1: Sponsors Registration Day 2: First & second-timers Registration Day 3: Everyone else
FaffCon 10 Registration Day 1: Sponsors Registration Day 2: FaffCon 1 participants Registration Day 3: All other returning Faffers
The Process
We’ll send out an email to our mailing list announcing registration dates.
The “Register Now” button will go live in the upper right hand corner of this page.
Take your time to fill out the application thoroughly (but keep going because excessive time between clicks will cause your application to time out and you’ll have to start over!)
After you submit your application, it will be reviewed by our volunteer vetting committee, made up of accomplished full-time voiceover professionals.
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available spots, the names of those who pass the vetting process will be put in a hat. Then spots will be awarded by random drawing, live-streamed over the web.
PLEASE NOTE: We’re now accepting Sponsors for FaffCon 9. If you’d like no-obligation information, please send an email to our Sponsorship team and they’ll reply promptly!
If you’ve never been to FaffCon, FaffCon 9 is literally a once-in-a-lifetime event. FaffCon 10 is for frequent Faffers only so this is your last chance to attend. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: FaffCon changed my life. I’m a better voice talent and a better person for the experience. I have made lifetime friends and have learned lifetime lessons. Go to FaffCon!
If you have any questions about FaffCon and its glorious awesomeness, just ask!
Lightseekers is live! You can now play Lightseekers for free. Click here to start playing and to pre-order an action figure (with my voice, squee!) and the trading card game.
My next Edge Studio “Business And Money 201” webinar will be Thursday, May 4th at 8PM EST. The subject: Time Management. Click here to register!
Happy Lemonade Day and Free Comic Book Day! FCBD will be on Saturday May 6th and to celebrate I will be giving way free digital copies of my comic book “Agent 1.22” at Geekzonia, an online Virtual Reality party. BTW you don’t need VR gear to participate, but you do need a PC laptop or desktop. Go to to channel your inner geek!

From my village to yours; this is Tom Dheere, The H is Silent, but I’m Not.
Tom Dheere is a 20-year veteran of the voice over industry who has narrated thousands of projects for clients in over a dozen countries. He is also a coach at Edge Studio, voiceover business consultant known as the Voice Over Strategist, and is currently producing the comic book “Agent 1.22”.