Hello and Happy Ugly Christmas Sweater Day and Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day! I don’t even need to come up with a joke for those…
Thank you to Stage 32 for publishing last week’s blog “You Will Hate This Blog“. The response was MASSIVE. There were over 100 comments and I met lots of great people.
My next Edge Studio Business and Money 201 webinar is this Thursday, December 11 at 8PM EST. The topic: Goals and Action Plans. This is the big one, folks! I’m going to talk about how to set your goals for 2015. Click here to sign up!
I don’t go on vacations. Not officially, anyway. I go to FaffCon and FaffCamp, but they shouldn’t count because technically those are business trips. I’d say that the closest thing to a vacation that I do every year for the past seven years is spend the weekend in New York on the first weekend of December. And what do I do there? Well, it used to be called the Voice Talent Productions Annual New York Voiceover Mixer. Now it’s…

And what a bash it was!

As always, the weekend began on Friday evening at Ted’s Montana Grill.

After we closed that joint, we headed over to St. Andrews Scottish Bar…

…where I enjoyed a Skullsplitter Scotch Ale. Malty goodness!

The next day was lunch at the Ridgeway Diner. (That’s me and my buddy Fran.)
Then a nap. Zzzz…
Then, PARTY!!!

That’s me and the lovely Emily…

..and my dear friend Liz…

…and my dear friend Mara later on at Jack Demsey’s. How did I get so lucky posing with all these beautiful women?

Our last stop of the evening was at Gahm Mi Oak at 4AM. Yes, 4AM. Notice that I’m the only one who actually shoved the chopsticks up my nose. You still wanna hire me to do voiceovers, right?
TIP OF THE WEEK: Yes, technically it was an event designed to network but I didn’t. I just spent quality time with some very special people and kept my business cards at home. Here’s the thing: almost half my voiceover work comes from peer-generated referrals. Why? Like any strong relationship, my friendships with fellow voice talent are built on trust which has developed over a long period of time, some of them over ten years. Networking and referrals is more than just cramming your business card into a prospect’s hand…

You can’t truly be friends with someone until you understand their imperfections. 50 Cent
STUFF!: It was fantastic to see so many dear friends this past weekend and I’m counting the days until we get to do it again!
From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere: GKN News…