Let's start off 2022 with some great voiceover website advice! Here is guest blogger Jordan Lavin, founder of Voice on Screen...
Of all the tools you have to market your voiceover business, your personal website is one of the very few you actually own. If you want to make a name for yourself and stand out against your competitors, a polished, professional website is a great way to show agents and voice seekers you’re there to be taken seriously.
What are the components of a great voice actor website?
It reflects your brand. Your brand isn’t a logo - it’s a promise to your customer. Stay away from generic templates and have your website show visitors why you’re different from the instant they land on the page.
Your demos are front and center. Don’t make visitors hunt around for your demos. Make your best demo the first thing they see, and make it easy to find the others.
It uses high-quality photography. Your clients aren’t hiring your voice - they’re hiring you. Use your website to show them who you are. Invest in good quality photography and don’t hide behind cheezy caricatures or lame stock photos.
It offers social proof. Voice seekers want to know you’re experienced and trustworthy. Ask for a testimonial after every session and load up your website with the best ones.
Your studio setup is on display. Don’t make clients ask whether you have SourceConnect and a Sennheiser 416. Put that information on your website so they know you have what they need.
Your contact info (and your agent’s) is easy to find. If someone is excited about hiring you, don’t let them get away. Make it dead simple to contact you and your agent - and respond to any inquiries as quickly as possible.
It works great on a phone. According to search engine marketing company SEMrush, 66% of all website visits in 2020 came from mobile devices. Make sure your website looks great, works perfectly and loads quickly on a phone first, and worry about desktop second.
You’re using and promoting it! Don’t forget to keep it updated with your latest demos and testimonials and give it a chance to be seen by promoting it. You can find lots of great ideas for promoting your website in our ultimate guide to building a personal website for voice actors.
If you’re investing in professional coaching and professional demos, don’t send the wrong message with a poorly made website. Follow these tips and invest in a professional website that sends the right message to voice seekers, and you’ll stand out from the crowd.
About Voice on Screen
Most voice actor websites suck. Ours don’t.
Voice on Screen makes professional quality websites for voiceover artists for as little as $50 per month, with no coding and no building. Learn more at www.voiceonscreen.com.
Here is an almost complete list of the classes I'm teaching in the first quarter of 2022. Registration is open for most of them so you can sign up right now. More classes will be added soon so stay tuned...!
Sat, Jan 08: Set Your Goals for 2022! (The Voice Actors Studio)
Thu, Jan 13: Build Your Marketing Campaign
Thu, Jan 20: Working Your Workflow (MAVO)
Mon, Jan 24: Building a Winning Website (Edge Studio)
Thu, Jan 27: Smaller VO Market Mastery
Thu, Feb 17: Get Your Act Together for 2022
Thu, Feb 24: Mastering Project Management
Thu, Mar 03: Analyze Your VO Business
Thu, Mar 24: Filing Your Taxes
Happy National Spaghetti Day and Copyright Law Day!

Tom Dheere is the VO Strategist, a voice over business & marketing coach and demo producer since 2011. He is also a voice actor with over 25 years of experience who has narrated just about every type of voiceover you can think of. When not voicing or talking about voicing, he produces the sci-fi comic book Agent 1.22.
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